


Mrs. Harrison received a BA in Theatre and a MA, both from Austin College in Sherman, TX. She has taught in Plano ISD and McKinney ISD eventually serving as McKinney HS Theatre Director/District Coordinator of Theatre Arts. In addition to teaching, Mrs. Harrison is also the Co Founder of The Epic Waters Theatre Festival. She is the Director of Wylie HS Theatre and currently teaches Theatre I, Adv Theatre I, Theatre II and both advanced production classes -  Black Box and Main Stage. 


Carley King, Associate Theatre Director

Matt Smith, Technical Theatre Director

Ms. King received a BFA in Theatre Education from Hardin-Simmons University. While in college she worked in the costume shop, taught an after-school theater program and participated in the Children’s Art & Literacy Festival of Abilene.

From 2018-2023, Ms. King served as the Theater Director at Burnett JH where she most recently placed 2nd in the MISD/WISD OAP Festival.

Ms. King teaches Technical Theatre I, Theatre III/IV and Black Box. 

​Mr. Smith received a BFA in theatrical Design and Technology from Baylor University. While in college he served as a Master Electrician, Scenic Paint charge and Lead Carpenter.

He started his teaching career at Mesquite High School where he earned the 2021 Green Apple Teacher award from Texas Thespians. He spent last year at Rockwall Heath High School and is thrilled to join the team at Wylie HS this year. 

Mr. Smith teaches Technical Theatre I, Technical Theatre II/III/IV and Advanced Technical Theatre.



 Polly Harrison, Director of Theatre

Wylie High School Theatre


Anatomy of Gray

Oct. 6 and 7

A Night Under the Stars

Dec. 9

Beauty and the Beast

Jan. 18 - 20

The Taxidermists Daughter

​Tues, March 5

Shipwrecked! An Entertainment—The Amazing Adventures of Louis de Rougemont (as Told by Himself)

Sat, April 13

Improv Show

May 9 and 10

Fringe Show

The Curious Case of Groesneck, Texas

July 25th